Rabu, 26 Juni 2019

Examination Standard based on State Financial Inspection Standards



1. The PSP is set responsibility in carrying out the examination examiner that includes planning, examination of evidence collection, development of audit findings, and supervision.
2. Planning relating to responsibility Examining responsibility in connecting the examination topics that will be done by the CPC strategic planning and planning for every assignment inspection. 
3. Collection of evidence relating to the responsibilities of Audit in designing and implementing inspection procedures to obtain evidence sufficient and appropriate checks, support an accurate conclusion, according to the characteristics to be possessed by the examination of evidence in an investigation.
4. Development of inspection findings related to the responsibility of inspectors in developing the audit findings based on evidence obtained by examination.
5. Supervising Examiner relating to responsibility in providing direction and guidance to the examiner during the examination to ensure the achievement of the purpose of inspection and compliance with audit standards.Effective date
6. The PSP is valid and binding legal effect from the date of promulgation.

7. Interest Examiner in applying this standard is to:
a. planned quality checks to be carried out efficiently and effectively; and
b. designing and implementing inspection procedures to obtain sufficient appropriate evidence

8. For the purpose of this standard, the below terms mean as follows:
 a. Strategic planning is the process of formulating the vision and mission that prepared the CPC every period of 5 (five) year and contained in the Strategic Plan (Plan). Strategic Plan contains the vision and mission of the CPC will be achieved within a period of five (5) years, and shall include the examination of policies and strategies is a priority.
b. Assignment planning is a process that involves the determination of the overall inspection strategy and development plan of the examination. c. Internal control is a process designed, implemented, and monitored by the management and personnel of the entity that is responsible for the governance of the entity to provide reasonable assurance of achieving the entity's objectives.
d. Risk inspection is the risk of the possibility that the findings, conclusions and / or recommendations Examiner is incorrect or incomplete, as a result of factors such as insufficient evidence and / or improper, inspection procedures were inadequate, or omission, deliberate or misleading information.
e. The purpose connected with the examination of the implementation of an inspection. Specifically, the purpose of the examination will determine the type of examination.

1) The purpose of the audit is to obtain reasonable assurance so that the examiner is able to provide an opinion that the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, of compliance with accounting standards, the adequacy of disclosure, compliance with laws and regulations, and the effectiveness of internal control systems;
2) The purpose of the examination is to test the performance and assessing the aspects of economy, efficiency
and / or effectiveness, as well as other performance aspects on a subject matter being examined with a view to provide recommendations that can be pushed toward improvement;
3) Interest PDTT in the form of compliance checks is to assess whether the subject matter is checked accordingly (submissive) with the provisions of the legislation;
4) Interest investigative PDTT in the form of checks is to uncover any indication of loss of country / region and / or criminal elements

f. The scope of the examination is a clear statement of focused, comprehensive, and limit checks

g. Criteria are the benchmarks used in examining and assessing the subject matter, in this case the information disclosed in financial management and accountability the state, including benchmarks presentation and disclosure of relevant.

h. Pick-test is the selection of some of the elements in the population as a basis to draw conclusions on the overall population. i. Population is the data that is the source of the sample to be selected, in which the examiner intends to draw conclusions from the overall data.

j. Pick-test risk is the risk that the Examiner conclusion based on the selected sample is different from the conclusion if the same audit procedures applied to the whole population.

k. Supervision is an activity that includes giving direction and guidance to the examiner during the examination to ensure the achievement of the purpose of inspection and compliance checks to continue to receive the latest information about significant problems encountered, carry
review for the work performed, and providing training ( training) and guidance ( mentoring) effective

l. Business continuity ( going concern)

is the assumption that an entity is deemed to survive in the Business continuity

m. An early indication of fraud are signs that indicate the possibility of fraud

9. BPK and the examiner must plan the examination as well as possible. 

10. CPCs should make strategic planning for the implementation of inspection tasks and meet stakeholder expectations. 

BPK relationship with Strategic Planning 

11. CPCs should be guided by the Strategic Plan of the CPC in the annual inspection plan. In an examination of performance and PDTT, examiner must determine the subject matter to be examined. The examiner must specify the factors on which to base consideration in the determination of the subject matter. (Ref: Para. A1-A2)
planning Assignment

 12. The examiner must state clearly the purpose of the examination of the information subject matter or subject matter to be examined.

 13. The examiner must ensure clarity every assignment inspection performed.

14. The examiner must acquire an understanding of the entity and / or subject matter / subject matter examined information required to identify the problem, determine materiality, risk, types and sources of evidence, as well as auditabilitas. 

15. The examiner should obtain a sufficient understanding of internal control over the use of professional judgment.

16. The examiner must assess and respond to risk inspection using professional judgment. 

 17. The examiner must identify and measure the material risks as a result of fraud. 

18. The examiner must update the risk assessment and response to the whole process of inspection using professional judgment.

20. The examiner shall establish appropriate criteria as the basis for assessing the subject matter or subject matter information being examined.

21. The examiner must consider the materiality of the whole process of inspection using professional judgment. 

22. The examiner must update the assessment of the materiality of the whole process of examination based on risk assessment using professional judgment.

23. In the financial checks, The examiner must consider business continuity ( going concern) and events that occurred between the date of the financial statements and business continuity ( going concern) and events that occurred between the date of the financial statements and business continuity ( going concern) and events that occurred between the date of the financial statements and the date of LHP.

24. The examiner must update the audit plan as necessary during the inspection process.
Obtaining evidence 

25. The examiner should design and implement appropriate audit procedures to obtain evidence sufficient and appropriate inspection.

26. The examiner must implement procedures that have been designed to obtain evidence sufficient checks and worthy of fraud risks that have been identified. 

27. The examiner must determine the overall response if it is found early indications of fraud / indications of fraud in the examination
28. The examiner must consider the sufficiency and appropriateness of evidence in identifying the sources of potential data derived from the audited entity, the results of the analysis Examiner, or other parties. 

 29. The examiner must deepening if the acquisition of evidence, the Investigator suspect that the document was not authentic or the contents of the document have been modified but not communicated to the Examiner.

30. The examiner must modify the procedures required inspection if inspection evidence obtained from one source contradicts or is inconsistent with evidence obtained from other sources or Examiner has doubts about the reliability of the information that will be used as proof of inspection. 

31. The examiner can obtain evidence by using pick-test inspection to provide an adequate basis for the Examiner to draw conclusions.

32. Throughout the process, the examiner must Me review adequacy and 32. Throughout the process, the examiner must Me review adequacy and 32. Throughout the process, the examiner must Me review adequacy and the accuracy of the evidence and relate it to the purposes of the investigation and responded to analyze the need to modify the inspection procedures. 
findings development 

33. The examiner should develop inspection findings if it finds a mismatch between the conditions and criteria. 

34. The examiner must consider the findings element consisting of the conditions, the criteria, as a result, and because in developing the inspection findings. However, the elements needed for an examination findings depend on the objectives of the investigation. 

35. The examiner can make the inspection findings to meet the purposes of the investigation in order to draw conclusions and / or recommendations.

36. If discovered early indications of fraud, the Investigator must follow the initial indications of fraud in accordance with the provisions. 

37. The examiner should be supervised properly


BPK relationship with Strategic Planning
Understanding of the Strategic Plan is required to provide strategic direction in preparation of the annual audit plan, determining the assignment expectations, and objectives of the investigation.

 A2. Factors on which the judgment determining the subject matter between Another community expectations and materiality of a subject matter. planning Assignment 

A3. The information needs to be widely understood among other major issues / information points that will be examined, the scope and purpose of inspection, access to the required data, a report will be generated, the inspection process, the parties can be reached during the inspection, and the roles and responsibilities of all parties related to the inspection. 

A4. An understanding of the entity and / or subject matter / subject matter information is checked
can be obtained from the knowledge that has been owned Examiner over the entity and / or subject matter / subject matter information being examined and the results of the information collection during the examination

A5. An understanding of the entity and / or subject matter / subject matter information is checked can be obtained by considering the results of the previous inspection, including the understanding of the results of internal control, risk assessment, as well as the inspection findings. 

A6. An understanding of the entity and / or subject matter / subject matter appropriate information examination Examiner relies on knowledge of the environment control. Understanding of the entity controlling the examiner on the environment is important, because the control environment is the basis for the internal control system to achieve the entity's objectives

A7. An understanding of internal control includes the condition of internal control
which is relevant both in time and substance with the investigation or that are material to the subject matter / subject matter information. 

A8. An understanding of the entity and its environment and an understanding of internal control relevant to the investigation or which is material to the subject matter / subject matter information, will be associated with the risk assessment process, including risk assessment of fraud and impropriety. Effectiveness of internal control relevant to the investigation may affect the risk of inspection. Further, the Examiner can modify the nature, timing or scope of the examination procedure in accordance with the Audit assessment on internal control and the results of testing of internal control. 

A9. Professional judgment is used to determine whether a control individually or jointly with others is relevant to the examination or material nature of the subject matter / subject matter information
A10. Assessment and response is done by considering the inherent risk, control risk, and detection risk associated with the entity and subject matter / subject matter information being examined.) 

A11. Examining get an understanding of the internal control system relevant to the investigation, including the management of risks associated with the entities examined as well as the adequacy of the risk management in support of the achievement of organizational goals. When obtaining an understanding of relevant controls with the examination, the examiner should evaluate the design of those controls and determine whether the control is carried out. 

A12. Determination of criteria is affected by the subject matter / subject matter information
checked and objectives of the investigation. The criteria in the form of a formal audit, the accounting standard which is a financial reporting framework used by compilers of financial statements. 

 A13. In the examination of performance, if there are no formal criteria source accordance with the design objectives of the investigation, the Investigator may develop inspection criteria based on specific source and expressed in a transparent manner. 

A14. In an examination of performance and PDTT with form compliance checks, if the examiner identifies several sources of conflict between the criteria used, the examiner must analyze the consequences of any such conflict, and responded by doing the following:

a. modify the purposes of the investigation or the subject matter / subject matter information to be checked;
b. decided not to make an assessment of the subject matter / subject matter information; or
c. involving experts to obtain their views on the conflict of several sources of criteria. 

A15. If based on the professional judgment Examiner decided to selecting one of the sources of criteria, the Investigator must disclose their opposition sources criteria and reasons for selecting certain criteria in LHP source. The examiner can give consideration to the government on the issue of conflict of criteria resources. 

A16. Something may be judged material if knowledge of it might affect your decision-making by users of LHP. Materiality includes quantitative and qualitative aspects. Materiality considerations influence the decisions concerning the nature, timing and extent of examination procedures and evaluation of test results. PDTT special examination in the form of performance and compliance checks, are also considered in determining the materiality of topics and inspection criteria. 

A17. Things are becoming professional judgment in determining the level of materiality include LHP user needs, for example the attention of stakeholders, public interest, and the impact on the community; innate characteristics in a case or a group of things; the context of the occurrence of a case; and statutory requirements

 A18. The examiner must obtain evidence sufficient appropriate examination
to determine the existence of events or conditions that may cast doubt significantly to the ability of the audited entity related to business continuity ( going concern) as well as events ability of the audited entity related to business continuity ( going concern) as well as events ability of the audited entity related to business continuity ( going concern) as well as events occurring between the date of the financial statements and the date of LHP that require adjustment or disclosure in the financial statements that have been identified. Obtaining evidence 

A19. The examiner can obtain data and information by, among others observation, interviews, surveys, and measurements. In determining the method of data acquisition, the Investigator uses professional judgment. If necessary, the Investigator may use experts to help in the design methodology of obtaining data and information. 

A20. The adequacy of the evidence based on the belief that the evidence Examiner findings development 

A21. The element is called a complete inspection findings throughout the examination purpose have been met. The audit findings are clearly associated with the element of interest examination findings
A22. If there is ineffective or non-compliance of the internal control, fraud, and / or misbehavior in the material but does not directly support the objectives of the investigation, the Investigator should discuss it in stages to decide whether to do a special inspection related or not. 

A23. The Examiner found the early indications of fraud, the Investigator may follow up by proposing PDTT in the form of investigative examination 

A24. Supervision conducted in phases and is intended to ensure achievement of objectives and the achievement of quality inspection checks in accordance with inspection standards. A25. Nature and extent of supervision, as well as review Examining the results of work may standards. 

A25. Nature and extent of supervision, as well as review Examining the results of work may standards.
A25. Nature and extent of supervision, as well as review Examining the results of work may
varies depending on several factors, such as the number of personnel in the Audit team, the importance of the inspection work, and experience Examiner.

 A26. Supervision includes the following matters:

 a. monitor the progress of the investigation;
 b. consider the competence and ability of each team member Investigators, including the sufficiency of time allotted to carry out his work, his understanding of instructions given, and the suitability of execution of the work with an approach that has been planned;
c. The examiner directs all significant matters arising during the examination, considering the significance of and modify the approaches that have been planned properly; and d. identify the things that need to be consulted or considered by members of the team more experienced examiner during the examination.

A27. Person who supervises also facilitate mentoring in A27. Person who supervises also facilitate mentoring in A27. Person who supervises also facilitate mentoring in Audit team during the inspection process

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